《逆转死局》(Death Turns The Tables,英国版书名:The Seat Of The Scornful)于1942年出版。生性残酷无情的艾顿法官,坚信女儿康斯坦思的男友安东尼·莫瑞尔居心不良,觊觎他的钱财。他把莫瑞尔约到家里,准备将此事做一了断。当晚,莫瑞尔被杀死在法官的家中。当警察赶到时,只见法官坐在摇椅上,手持左轮手枪,颓然面对莫瑞尔的尸体。法官的朋友基甸·菲尔博士靠自己的睿智,要把这一铁定的案件导向意料之外的结局……
本书描绘了数字科技为我们的生活、工作、教育和娱乐带来的各种冲击和其中值得深思的问题,是跨入数字化新世界的最佳指南。英文版曾高居《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜。Being Digital is a non-fiction computer science book by famed technology author Nicholas Negroponte. It was originally published in January 1995 by Vintage Publishing.Being Digital provides a general history of several digital media technologies, many that Negroponte himself was directly involved in developing. Negroponte analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the technologies (such as his belief that High-definition television wastes broadcasting power), and tries to predict how the technologies will evolve. Negroponte presents a strong belief that humanity is inevitably headed towards a future where everything that can will be digitalized (be it newspapers, entertainment, or sex). This leads Negroponte to a quote repeated often in promoting and explaining the book\\\\\\\'s material, that the book is made of unwieldy atoms that will probably be replaced by a digital copy by the time anyone reads the book. Several e-books exist of Being Digital, making the quote rather prophetic.