疲倦地返回基地之后,一架波音B-29 轰炸机再次腾空而起;从它的肚子下面钻出来的两位飞机工程师,刚刚填补了它身上的高射炮弹孔,替换上脱落的起落架。在维修保养中心,飞机工程师们昼夜不停地工作,更换零件、修理保养、调试,目标一致地将这架巨型轰炸机送上天空。这群开心的地勤人员从停机坪走过来,对自己的工作心满意足。左起:麻省的弗兰西斯·达利技术军士、路易斯安那州的弗兰克林·布莱恩一世技术军士、堪萨斯州的孪生兄弟劳伦斯·华纳及列那多·华纳技术军士、威斯康星州的乔治·科雷恩技术军士、俄亥俄州的尤金·菲尔雷技术军士。
A Boeing B-29 soars again after she limped home, came in on her belly, two engines out, gaping flak holes in her undercarriage, and the landing gear gone. In the depot engineering area, airplane mechanics and specialists worked around the clock replacing, repairing, adjusting and making the giant bomber ready to fly again. It' s a happy crew of depot mechanics that walks from the flight line, satisfied with a job well done. From left to right: S/Sgt. Francis L. Daly, Dorchester, Mss. Sgt. Franklin W. Brian, Sr., Shreveport, La., Sgts. Lawrence C. And Leonard-J. Werner , twin brothers from Spearville, Kan., Sgt. George P. Klein, Kiel, Wis., and Sgt. Eugene W. Fiely, Fort Recovery, Ohio.